Sunday, July 29, 2012

~A Name to be Known By~

Today I was watching part of the Olympics and it was the Men's Singles Canoe. As the next Olympian prepared for the run the camera was placed on him at the starting gate and the image to the right is what I saw. The first thing to catch my attention was the large bold A U S on his helmet. That of course standing for the country of Australia. But what stood out to me more was what it meant.

This Olympian's name, Kynan Maley, like many others will be a fleeting thought in my mind. When I watch a race or an event it is Italy vs China, or USA vs Brazil. I cheer and remember the nations for whom they represent. I check to see what nation leads the medal charts each Olympian working towards the gold improves their nations total.

And then I thought more on this.

Kynan like the others is not representing his own name, nor that of his family Maley. He is not representing his city, county, or state, but all of Australia. He has on taken upon himself, and even carries around all to see, the name of his nation.

Whose name do I have on?

For two years I very literally carried the name of Jesus Christ with me everywhere I went and although I may no longer be a full-time missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that is the most important name I can take upon me still.

Every Sunday in Sacrament meeting I renew the covenant and promise I made at my baptism that I am willing to take His name upon me and always remember Him and keep His commandments.

It has been almost 9 years since I left for the MTC and South Africa and there have been ups and downs, hills and valleys, but I know that it is only through the name of Christ that I can be saved and cleansed of all my sins and I proudly will carry the name of Christ with me still.